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Top level | res nonphysica Short Extended |
Subsidiary language with Latin | |
Non Latin primary language |
Ancestors |
Taxonomic list |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
67115 | 10125 |
res nonphysica
nonphysical entity
45723 | 10128 |
relatio anatomica T2 126 children
anatomical relation
256058 | 10137 |
relatio anatomica taxonomica
taxonomic anatomical relation
50626 | 10545 |
relatio isa
is_a relationship
256061 | 10546 |
relatio typi
type relation
264215 | 10547 |
relatio instanciationis
instance relation
50627 | 10138 |
relatio anatomica structuralis
structural anatomical relation
67530 | 10549 |
relatio partitionis
partonomic relation
80047 | 10558 |
relatio generica partitionis
has_generic_part relation
80049 | 10559 |
relatio constitutionalis partitionis
has_constitutional_part relation
80058 | 10560 |
relatio regionalis partitionis
has_regional_part relation
80059 | 10561 |
relatio systematica partitionis
has_systemic_part relation
11385 |
relatio partitionis corporeae T3 29 children
material partonomic relation
11387 |
relatio singularis partitionis corporeae
singular relation of material partition
11395 |
relatio SingleOfSingle SOS ; relatio PartOf
relation SingleOfSingle SOS; PartOf relation
11396 |
relatio SingleBrSingle SBS ; relatio BranchOf
relation SingleBrSingle SBS; BranchOf relation
11397 |
relatio SingleOfSet SOT
relation SingleOfSet SOT
11398 |
relatio SingleOfPair SOU
relation SingleOfPair SOU
11388 |
relatio classis partitionis corporeae
relation of set of material partition
11399 |
relatio SetOfSingle TOS
relation SetOfSingle TOS
11400 |
relatio SetOfSet TOT
relation SetOfSet TOT
16912 |
relatio SetOfMixed TOX
relation SetOfMixed TOX
16913 |
relatio SetOfPset TOV
relation SetOfPset TOV
16914 |
relatio mixti partitionis corporeae
relation of mix of material partition
16915 |
relatio MixedOfSingle XOS
relation MixedOfSingle XOS
16916 |
relatio MixedOfMixed XOX
relation MixedOfMixed XOX
11389 |
relatio paris partitionis corporeae
relation of pair of material partition
11402 |
relatio PairOfSingle UOS
relation PairOfSingle UOS
16918 |
relatio PairBrSingle UBS
relation PairBrSingle UBS
16917 |
relatio PairOfMixed UOX
relation PairOfMixed UOX
11403 |
relatio PairOfPair UOU
relation PairOfPair UOU
23140 |
relatio PairBrPair UBU
relation PairBrPair UBU
13714 |
relatio PairOfPset UOV
relation PairofPset UOV
16948 |
relatio PairBrPset UBV
relation PairBrPset UBV
11390 |
relatio paris classis partitionis corporeae
relation of pair of set of material partition
11405 |
relatio PsetOfSingle VOS
relation PsetOfSingle VOS
23138 |
relatio PsetBrSingle VBS
relation PsetBrSingle VBS
14398 |
relatio PsetOfMixed VOX
relation PsetOfMixed VOX
19859 |
relatio PsetOfPair VOU
relation PsetOfPair VOU
23139 |
relatio PsetBrPair VBU
relation PsetBrPair VBU
13721 |
relatio PsetOfPset VOV
relation PsetOfPset VOV
16949 |
relatio PsetBrPset VBV
relation PsetBrPset VBV
13708 |
relatio partitionis incorporeae rei incorporeae T3 29 children
immaterial partonomic relation of an immaterial entity
13709 |
relatio singularis partitionis incorporeae rei incorporeae
singular relation of immaterial partition of immaterial entity
13718 |
relatio SpaceIn
SpaceIn relation
13719 |
relatio SurfaceIn
SurfaceIn relation
13720 |
relatio LineIn
LineIn relation
11407 |
relatio MemberIn
MemberIn relation
22901 |
relatio LeftImmMemberOf
LeftImmMemberOf relation
22902 |
relatio RightImmMemberOf
RightImmMemberOf relation
13710 |
relatio classis partitionis incorporeae rei incorporeae
relation of set of immaterial partition of immaterial entity
19555 |
relatio SetIn
SetIn relation
11410 |
relatio SubsetIn
SubsetIn relation
22903 |
relatio LeftImmSetMemberOf
LeftImmSetMemberOf relation
22904 |
relatio RightImmSetMemberOf
RightImmSetMemberOf relation
13711 |
relatio paris partitionis incorporeae rei incorporeae
relation of pair of immaterial partition of immaterial entity
11414 |
relatio PairSpaceIn
PairSpaceIn relation
16972 |
relatio PairExSingle PES
relation PairExSingle PES
13713 |
relatio PairSurfaceIn
PairSurfaceIn relation
13727 |
relatio PairExPair PEU
relation PsurExPair P2EU
16967 |
relatio PlinExPair P1EU
relation PlinExPair P1EU
16968 |
relatio PsurExPair P2EU
relation PsurExPair P2EU
13715 |
relatio PairInPair PIP
relation PairInPair PIP
22905 |
relatio PairMemberIn
PairMemberIn relation
20916 |
relatio PairSpacePairIn
PairSpacePairIn relation
20917 |
relatio PairSurfacePairIn
PairSurfacePairIn relation
20918 |
relatio PairLinePairIn
PairLinePairIn relation
11413 |
relatio PairMemberPairIn
PairMemberPairIn relation
13712 |
relatio paris classis partitionis incorporeae rei incorporeae
relation of pair of set of immaterial partition of immaterial entity
16970 |
relatio PsetExPair QEU
relation PsetExPair QEU
19556 |
relatio PairSetIn
PairSetIn relation
11411 |
relatio PairSubsetIn
PairSubsetIn relation
11386 |
relatio partitionis incorporeae
immaterial partonomic relation
13707 |
relatio partitionis incorporeae rei corporeae T3 17 children
immaterial partonomic relation of a material entity
11391 |
relatio singularis partitionis incorporeae rei corporeae
singular relation of immaterial partition of material entity
11406 |
relatio SingleExSingle MES
relation SingleExSingle MES
19523 |
relatio SurfaceOf
SurfaceOf relation
19524 |
relatio LineOf
LineOf relation
19525 |
relatio PointOf
PointOf relation
11392 |
relatio classis partitionis incorporeae rei corporeae
relation of set of immaterial partition of material entity
11409 |
relatio ImmSetOf
ImmSetOf relation
11393 |
relatio paris partitionis incorporeae rei corporeae
relation of pair of immaterial partition of material entity
11412 |
relatio PairSpaceOf
PairSpaceOf relation
19526 |
relatio PairLineOf
PairLineOf relation
19527 |
relatio PairPointOf
PairPointOf relation
20600 |
relatio PairSpacePairOf
PairSpacePairOf relation
20599 |
relatio PairSurfacePairOf
PairSurfacePairOf relation
20601 |
relatio PairLinePairOf
PairLinePairOf relation
20602 |
relatio MemberPairOf
MemberPairOf relation
11394 |
relatio paris classis partitionis incorporeae rei corporeae
relation of pair of set of immaterial partition of material entity
11415 |
relatio ImmPairSetOf
ImmPairSetOf relation
16955 |
relatio singularis partitionis incorporeae
16975 |
relatio SingleInSingle MIM
relation SingleInSingle MIM
16977 |
relatio SurInVol M2IM3
relation SurInVol M2IM3
16980 |
relatio PtnInVol M1IM3
relation PtnInVol M1IM3
16983 |
relatio VolInVol M3IM3
relation VolInVol M3IM3
16957 |
16956 |
16919 |
relatio PairInPair PIP
relation PairInPair PIP
16965 |
subrelatio PlinInPsur P1IP2
subrelation PlinInPsur P1IP2
16958 |
16953 |
relatio PsetInPair QIP
relation PsetInPair QIP
14396 |
relatio partitionis mixtae T3 5 children
mixt partition relation
14397 |
relatio MixedSetOf
MixedSetOf relation
14399 |
relatio SingleOfMixed SOX
relation SingleOfMixed SOX
14400 |
relatio ImmMemberOf
ImmMemberOf relation
14401 |
relatio PairMatMemberOf
PairMatMemberOf relation
14402 |
relatio PairImmMemberOf
PairImmMemberOf relation
52548 | 10550 |
relatio associationis spatialis
spatial association relation
23138 | 10563 |
anatomical orientation
anatomical orientation
16483 |
relatio has_direction
has_direction relation
62802 | 10564 |
connected_to relation
connected_to relation
50707 | 10565 |
locatio anatomica
anatomical location
50635 | 10566 |
anatomical containment
anatomical containment
67393 | 10567 |
adjacent_to relation
adjacent_to relation
256502 | 10548 |
relatio finis anatomici
relation of anatomical boundary
256504 | 10554 |
finis anatomicum bona fide
bona fide anatomical boundary
16480 |
16481 |
16482 |
relatio is_face_of
is_face_of relation
224749 | 10555 |
finis anatomicum fiat
fiat anatomical boundary
225902 | 10556 |
fixed fiat anatomical boundary
fixed fiat anatomical boundary
227941 | 10557 |
floating fiat anatomical boundary
floating fiat anatomical boundary
295975 | 10139 |
relatio anatomica physica
physical anatomical relation
264684 | 10552 |
has_dimension relation
has_dimension relation
195977 | 10553 |
has_mass relation
has_mass relation
16488 |
16487 |
13367 |
referentia T2 113 children
13368 |
directio referentis
direction of reference
10107 |
terminus directionis T3 36 children
term of direction
74526 | 1 |
74527 | 2 |
74528 | 3 |
74529 | 4 |
74530 | 5 |
30333 | 6 |
30334 | 7 |
74531 | 8 |
9 |
30332 | 10 |
74532 | 11 |
74533 | 12 |
74534 | 13 |
74535 | 14 |
74536 | 15 |
74525 | 16 |
30337 | 17 |
74537 | 18 |
74538 | 19 |
74539 | 20 |
74540 | 21 |
74541 | 22 |
74542 | 23 |
74543 | 24 |
74544 | 25 |
74545 | 26 |
74545 | 27 |
74546 | 28 |
74547 | 29 |
74548 | 30 |
74549 | 31 |
74550 | 32 |
30330 | 33 |
74551 | 34 |
30328 | 37 |
74552 | 38 |
10108 |
terminus situs membrorum T3 10 children
direction term of limbs
30326 | 35 |
30327 | 36 |
21431 | 39 |
74553 | 40 |
74555 | 41 |
fibular ; peroneal
74556 | 42 |
74558 | 43 |
74560 | 44 |
74559 | 45 |
74561 | 46 |
9565 |
planum referentis T3 11 children
plane of reference
71923 | 100 |
planum frontale
frontal plane ; coronal plane
71925 | 101 |
planum horizontale
horizontal plane
71926 | 102 |
planum sagittale
sagittal plane
49450 | 103 |
planum medianum
median plane
71927 | 104 |
planum paramediale
paramedial plane
71928 | 105 |
planum transversum
transverse plane
14608 | 106 |
planum transpyloricum
transpyloric plane
14610 | 107 |
planum subcostale
subcostal plane
14609 | 108 |
planum supracristale
supracristal plane
74566 | 109 |
planum intertuberculare
intertubercular plane
74567 | 110 |
planum interspinale
interspinous plane
9566 |
linea referentis T3 11 children
line of reference
20310 | 111 |
linea mediana anterior
anterior median line
20296 | 112 |
linea sternalis
sternal line
20297 | 113 |
linea parasternalis
parasternal line
20251 | 114 |
linea medioclavicularis
midclavicular line
20304 | 115 |
linea mammillaris
mammillary line
20259 | 116 |
linea axillaris anterior
anterior axillary line
14368 | 117 |
linea axillaris media
midaxillary line
20260 | 118 |
linea axillaris posterior
posterior axillary line
14613 | 119 |
linea scapularis
scapular line
20307 | 120 |
linea paravertebralis
paravertebral line
20311 | 121 |
linea mediana posterior
posterior median line
11375 |
motus juncturarum T3 20 children
movement of joints
23863 | 1293 |
23864 | 1294 |
32431 | 1295 |
rotatio externa
lateral rotation
32432 | 1296 |
rotatio interna
medial rotation
23866 | 1297 |
23861 | 1298 |
23862 | 1299 |
32433 | 1300 |
32434 | 1301 |
17348 |
flexio palmaris
palmar flexion
32435 | 1302 |
32436 | 1303 |
17349 |
flexio plantaris
plantar flexion
17351 |
17352 |
17353 |
17354 |
17355 |
17356 |
17357 |
17344 |
typus articulationis synovialis
type of synovial joint
75291 | 1281 |
articulatio simplex
simple joint
75292 | 1282 |
articulatio composita
complex joint ; compound joint
75293 | 1283 |
articulatio plana
plane joint
75295 | 1284 |
articulatio cylindrica
cylindrical joint
75294 | 1285 |
articulatio trochoidea
pivot joint
75296 | 1286 |
hinge joint
75297 | 1287 |
articulatio bicondylaris
bicondylar joint
75298 | 1288 |
articulatio sellaris
saddle joint; sellar joint
75300 | 1289 |
articulatio ellipsoidea
ellipsoid joint ; condylar joint
75302 | 1290 |
articulatio spheroidea ; enarthrosis
spheroidal joint; ball and socket joint
75303 | 1291 |
articulatio cotylica
cotyloid joint
17358 |
typus suturae cranii
type of cranial suture
76810 | 1249 |
sutura plana
plane suture
52946 | 1250 |
sutura squamosa
squamous suture
76811 | 1251 |
sutura limbosa
limbous suture
76802 | 1252 |
sutura serrata
serrate suture
76804 | 1253 |
sutura denticulata
denticulate suture
77244 | 1254 |
11439 |
nomen rei anatomicae T2 1401 children
word of anatomical entity
11548 |
nomen 0
0 word
12113 |
nomen 1
1 word
12275 |
nomen 10
10 word
12276 |
nomen 11
11 word
12277 |
nomen 12
12 word
12125 |
nomen 1a
1a word
12126 |
nomen 1b
1b word
12127 |
nomen 1c
1c word
12114 |
nomen 2
2 word
12115 |
nomen 3
3 word
12128 |
nomen 3a
3a word
12129 |
nomen 3b
3b word
12130 |
nomen 3c
3c word
12116 |
nomen 4
4 word
12117 |
nomen 5
5 word
12132 |
nomen 5a
5a word
12133 |
nomen 5b
5b word
12188 |
nomen 5c
5c word
12118 |
nomen 6
6 word
12134 |
nomen 6a
6a word
12135 |
nomen 6b
6b word
12119 |
nomen 7
7 word
12120 |
nomen 8
8 word
12121 |
nomen 9
9 word
11669 |
nomen A
A word
11945 |
nomen A1
A1 word
12200 |
nomen A10
A10 word
12201 |
nomen A11
A11 word
12202 |
nomen A12
A12 word
12203 |
nomen A13
A13 word
12204 |
nomen A14
A14 word
12205 |
nomen A15
A15 word
12223 |
nomen A16
A16 word
12263 |
nomen A1-A2
A1-A2 word
11946 |
nomen A2
A2 word
11947 |
nomen A3
A3 word
12194 |
nomen A4
A4 word
12195 |
nomen A5
A5 word
12196 |
nomen A6
A6 word
12197 |
nomen A7
A7 word
12198 |
nomen A8
A8 word
12199 |
nomen A9
A9 word
12943 |
nomen abdomen
abdomen word
12829 |
nomen abducens
abducent word
14528 |
nomen abductor
abductor word
13486 |
nomen abnormalis
abnormal word
11760 |
nomen accessorius
accessory word
12057 |
nomen accumbens
accumbens word
11837 |
nomen acetylcholina
acetylcholin word
13649 |
nomen acromion
acromion word
12072 |
nomen acusticus
acoustic word
14529 |
nomen adductor
adductor word
12339 |
nomen adhesio
adhesion word
13053 |
nomen adiposus
fatty word
13838 |
nomen aditus
inlet word
14367 |
nomen adjectivi substantiae albae
qualifying word for white matter
11978 |
nomen associatio
association word
11537 |
nomen projectio
projection word
11518 |
nomen decussatio
decussation word
11557 |
nomen afferens
afferent word
11559 |
nomen ascendens
ascending word
11558 |
nomen efferens
efferent word
12033 |
nomen fugiens
fugal word
12034 |
nomen petal
petal word
12210 |
nomen axonalis
axonal word
12211 |
nomen collaterales
collateral word
12293 |
nomen mixtus
mixed word
12261 |
nomen adrenamina
adrenamin word
12798 |
nomen aganglionaris
aganglionic word
12283 |
nomen aggregatio
aggregation word
11588 |
nomen ala
wing word
12915 |
nomen albus
white word
12147 |
nomen allo
allo word
11928 |
nomen alpha
alpha word
12064 |
nomen alveolus
alveolus word
13032 |
nomen amacrinus
amacrine word
12080 |
nomen ambiens
ambient word
11926 |
nomen ambiguus
ambiguous word
13598 |
nomen amiculum
amiculum word
14557 |
nomen amin
amin word
9958 |
nomen Ammon
Ammon word
11344 |
nomen ampulla
ampulla word
9548 |
nomen amygdala
amygdala word
12394 |
nomen anastomosis
anastomosis word
11746 |
nomen anatomia
anatomy word
12861 |
nomen anconeus
anconeus word
13033 |
nomen angustus
narrow word
12036 |
nomen ansa
ansa word
11675 |
nomen ansiformis
ansiform word
13601 |
nomen antebrachium
forearm word
13382 |
nomen anterior
anterior word
13844 |
nomen antihelix
antihelix word
13606 |
nomen antitragus
antitragus word
13839 |
nomen antrum
antrum word
12081 |
nomen anulus
ring word
12791 |
nomen anus
anus word
11761 |
nomen aorta
aorta word
12337 |
nomen apertura
opening word
12384 |
nomen apertura
opening word
12317 |
nomen apex
apex word
13394 |
nomen apicalis
apical word
14478 |
nomen aponeurosis
aponeurosis word
13068 |
nomen apparatus
apparatus word
12287 |
nomen appendix
appendix word
9947 |
nomen aqueductus
aqueduct word
12408 |
nomen aquosus
aqueous word
13048 |
nomen aquosus
aqueous word
13599 |
nomen arachnoidea
arachnoid word
12146 |
nomen araneiformis
araneiform word
11690 |
nomen arbor
tree word
12149 |
nomen archi
archi word
11954 |
nomen arcus
arch word
11800 |
nomen area corporea
word material area
12043 |
nomen area incorporea
immaterial area word
14609 |
nomen arrector
arrector word
12831 |
nomen arteriola
arteriole word
12848 |
nomen atlas
atlas word
13079 |
nomen atrium
atrium word
15478 |
nomen attributio
tributary word
12073 |
nomen auditorius
auditory word
14089 |
nomen auditus
earing word
14650 |
nomen auricula mixtum
mixed auricle word
12249 |
nomen auricula auris
auricle word of ear
10771 |
nomen auricula atrii cordis
auricle word of atrium of heart
12824 |
nomen auris
ear word
13552 |
nomen autonomicus
autonomic word
13403 |
nomen axialis
axial word
12946 |
nomen axilla
axilla word
12975 |
nomen axis
axis word
13452 |
nomen axis
axis word
13913 |
nomen azygos
azygos word
11670 |
nomen B
B word
11948 |
nomen B1
B1 word
11949 |
nomen B2
B2 word
11950 |
nomen B3
B3 word
12244 |
nomen B4
B4 word
12245 |
nomen B5
B5 word
12246 |
nomen B6
B6 word
12247 |
nomen B7
B7 word
12248 |
nomen B8
B8 word
13014 |
nomen bacillum
rod word
13397 |
nomen basilaris
basilar word
13395 |
nomen basis
base word
11929 |
nomen beta
beta word
12141 |
nomen bi
bi word
13030 |
nomen bi
bi word
13845 |
nomen biceps
biceps word
12780 |
nomen bidimensionale
bidimensional word
13596 |
nomen bigeminalis
bigeminal word
13025 |
nomen bipolaris
bipolar word
8519 |
nomen biventer
biventral word
11755 |
nomen biventralis
biventral word
13600 |
nomen brachium
arm word
12257 |
nomen branchialis
branchial word
11979 |
nomen brevis
short word
13846 |
nomen bronchus
bronchus word
13054 |
nomen bucca
cheek word
13847 |
nomen bucca
cheek word
10361 |
nomen buccinator
buccinator word
12092 |
nomen bulbus
bulb word
14473 |
nomen bursa
bursa word
11696 |
nomen C
C word
11661 |
nomen C1
C1 word
12262 |
nomen C1-C2
C1-C2 word
11662 |
nomen C2
C2 word
11663 |
nomen C3
C3 word
12373 |
nomen C4
C4 word
12374 |
nomen C5
C5 word
12375 |
nomen C6
C6 word
12376 |
nomen C7
C7 word
12172 |
nomen CA1
CA1 word
12173 |
nomen CA2
CA2 word
12174 |
nomen CA3
CA3 word
12175 |
nomen CA3h
CA3h word
12258 |
nomen caecum
caecum word
13029 |
nomen caeruleus
caerulean word
13501 |
nomen calcaneus
calcaneus word
12334 |
nomen calcar
spur word
12986 |
nomen calcar
spur word
13067 |
nomen caliciformis
caliciform word
14141 |
nomen calicularis
calicular word
13991 |
nomen calix
calix word
13921 |
nomen callosus
callosal word
13046 |
nomen camera
chamber word
12171 |
nomen campus
field word
13075 |
nomen canaliculus
canaliculus word
12821 |
nomen canalis
canal word
13491 |
nomen canalis
gutter word
12139 |
nomen candelarius
candeliform word
13440 |
nomen canina
canine word
14069 |
nomen canonus
canopy word
12993 |
nomen capillus
hair of head word
13493 |
nomen capitatus
capitate word
13097 |
nomen caput
head word
12321 |
nomen caroticus
carotid word
13241 |
nomen carotis
carotis word
13455 |
nomen carpus
carpus word
13364 |
nomen cartilago
cartilage word
13063 |
nomen caruncula
caruncle word
13006 |
nomen catella
collarette word
12051 |
nomen cauda
caudate word
12052 |
nomen cauda
tail word
13391 |
nomen cauda
tail word
12372 |
nomen cavalo
horse word
12795 |
nomen caverna
cavern word
13365 |
nomen cavitas
cavity word
12091 |
nomen cavum
cave word
12800 |
nomen cellula
cell word
16855 |
nomen cementum
cement word
13414 |
nomen centralis
central word
11938 |
nomen centrum
centre word
13665 |
nomen cephalicus
cephalic word
12850 |
nomen cerebellum
cerebellum word
9078 |
nomen cerebrum
brain word
13823 |
nomen cerumen
cerumen word
12819 |
nomen cervicalis columnae cervicalis
cervical word of cervical column
12318 |
nomen cervix
neck word
12181 |
nomen Ch1
Ch1 word
12182 |
nomen Ch2
Ch2 word
12183 |
nomen Ch3
Ch3 word
12184 |
nomen Ch4
Ch4 word
12229 |
nomen Ch5
Ch5 word
12230 |
nomen Ch6
Ch6 word
12231 |
nomen Ch7
Ch7 word
12251 |
nomen Ch8
Ch8 word
11976 |
nomen chiasma
chiasm word
12365 |
nomen chorda
cord word
14076 |
nomen chordiculus
chordiculus word
12839 |
nomen choroidea
choroid word
12992 |
nomen cilium
cilium word
12270 |
nomen cilium corporis ciliaris
eyelash word of ciliary body
14199 |
nomen cilium palpebrae
cilium word of eyelid
14200 |
nomen cilium
cilium word
13853 |
nomen ciliatus
ciliated word
14201 |
nomen cilium ganglii ciliaris
cilium word of ciliary ganglion
12087 |
nomen cinereus
cinerated word
12075 |
nomen circulus
circle word
12407 |
nomen circumferentia
circumference word
13652 |
nomen circumflexus
circumflex word
12320 |
nomen cisterna
cistern word
14009 |
nomen clarus
clear word
12359 |
nomen classis
set word
13922 |
nomen claustrum
claustrum word
13923 |
nomen clavicula
clavicle word
8879 |
nomen clavius
clavian word
12308 |
nomen clinoideus
clinoid word
12828 |
nomen clivus
clivus word
13481 |
nomen coccyx
coccyx word
13924 |
nomen coccyx
coccyx word
13597 |
nomen cochlea
cochlea word
13837 |
nomen cochleariformis
cochleariform word
14236 |
nomen cochlearis
cochlear word
14243 |
nomen cochlearis
cochlear word
12209 |
nomen coeliacus
coeliac word ▲
14053 |
nomen coligo
coligo word
11444 |
nomen collateralis
collateral word
12030 |
nomen collateralis
collateral word
12291 |
nomen collateralisatio
collateralisation word
12922 |
nomen colliculus
colliculus word
13925 |
nomen colon
colon word
12031 |
nomen columna
column word
13746 |
nomen comitans
accompanying word
11843 |
nomen communicans
communicating word
11894 |
nomen communis
common word
11799 |
nomen compactus
compact word
12299 |
nomen compartimentum
compartment word
12042 |
nomen complexus
complex word
13342 |
nomen componens
component word
13527 |
nomen concha
concha word
13086 |
nomen condylus
condyle word
12409 |
nomen confluens
confluence word
13008 |
nomen congregatus
clump word
12395 |
nomen conjunctiva
conjunctiva word
14640 |
nomen conjunctivus
conjunctive word
13018 |
nomen connectens
connecting word
14057 |
nomen connectivus
connective word
11957 |
nomen conterminalis
conterminal word
12274 |
nomen conus
cone word
13015 |
nomen conus
cone word
13022 |
nomen cor
heart word
14479 |
nomen coracoideus
coracoid word
11616 |
nomen corbiformis
corbiform word
12979 |
nomen cornea
cornea word
11962 |
nomen cornu
horn word
16859 |
nomen corona dentis
crown word of tooth
12038 |
nomen corona
crown word
13375 |
nomen coronarius cordis
word coronary of heart
11535 |
nomen corpus
body word
10367 |
nomen corrugator
corrugator word
11555 |
nomen cortex
cortex word
13443 |
nomen costa
rib word
13900 |
nomen costiformis
costiform word
13482 |
nomen coxa
hip word
12849 |
nomen cranium
cranium word
12977 |
nomen cribrosus
cribriform word
13907 |
nomen cricoideus
cricoid word
13605 |
nomen crista
crest word
14484 |
nomen cruciformis
cruciform word
11674 |
nomen crus
leg word
13005 |
nomen crypta
crypt word
13926 |
nomen cubitus
elbow word
13011 |
nomen cuboideus
cuboid word
13504 |
nomen cuboideus
cuboid word
14459 |
nomen cuffia
cuff word
11586 |
nomen culmen
culmen word
11780 |
nomen cuneiformis
cuneiform word
13505 |
nomen cuneiformis
cuneiform word
12843 |
nomen cuneus
cuneus word
13862 |
nomen cuniculus
tunnel word
11788 |
nomen cupula
cupula word
14819 |
nomen cuspis
cusp word
12378 |
nomen cutaneus
cutaneous word
13990 |
nomen cuticularis
cuticular word
13927 |
nomen cutis
skin word
13929 |
nomen cymba
cymba word
12328 |
nomen cytus
cyte word
11697 |
nomen D
D word
11664 |
nomen D1
D1 word
11667 |
nomen D2
D2 word
11668 |
nomen D3
D3 word
15946 |
nomen deciduus
deciduous word
12353 |
nomen decimus
tenth word
13930 |
nomen declive
declive word
12917 |
nomen deferens
deferential word
11931 |
nomen delta
delta word
13651 |
nomen deltoideus
deltoid word
12029 |
nomen dendritum
dendrite word
12085 |
nomen dens
tooth word
13438 |
nomen dens
tooth word
12156 |
nomen densitas
density word
11608 |
nomen dentatus
dentate word
12332 |
nomen denticulatus
denticulate word
16851 |
nomen dentinum
dentine word
16000 |
nomen dentitio
dentition word
13565 |
nomen depressor
depressor word
13060 |
nomen dermis
dermis word
13377 |
nomen dexter
right word
12050 |
nomen diagonalis
diagonal word
12213 |
nomen diaphragmatis
word of diaphragm
16877 |
nomen diastema
diastema word
13931 |
nomen diencephalon
diencephalon word
13028 |
nomen diffusus
diffuse word
13943 |
nomen digastricus
digastric word
12805 |
nomen digestorius
digestive word
9957 |
nomen digitatio
digitation word
9669 |
nomen digitus
finger word
13009 |
nomen dilatator
dilatator word
12255 |
nomen dimorphus
dimorphic word
13083 |
nomen diploe
diploë word
12834 |
nomen diploicus
diploic word
13428 |
nomen directio
direction word
7776 |
nomen directus
direct word
13016 |
nomen discus
disc word
13444 |
nomen discus
disc word
12157 |
nomen dissecans
dissecting word
11838 |
nomen dissipatus
dissipated word
13413 |
nomen distalis
distal word
11629 |
nomen divisio
subdivision word
11851 |
nomen dopamina
dopamin word
13385 |
nomen dorsum
dorsum word
13076 |
nomen ductus
duct word
13608 |
nomen ductus
duct word
12355 |
nomen duodecimus
twelfth word
14610 |
nomen duodenum
duodenum word
12852 |
nomen dura mater
dura mater word
12123 |
nomen dys
dys word
11698 |
nomen E
E word
13102 |
nomen ecto
ecto word
12997 |
nomen elasticus
elastic word
13019 |
nomen ellipsoideus
ellipsoid word
12232 |
nomen ellipticus
elliptic word
11613 |
nomen emboliformis
emboliform word
12192 |
nomen eminentia
eminence word
12419 |
nomen emissarius
emissary word
16847 |
nomen enamelum
enamel word
13944 |
nomen encephalon
encephalon word
11021 |
nomen endo
endo word
14637 |
nomen endothelium
endothelium word
12797 |
nomen entericus
enteric word
13091 |
nomen entorhinalis
entorhinal word
12285 |
nomen epaxialis
epaxial word
12235 |
nomen epi
epi word
10365 |
nomen epicranius
epicranius word
14685 |
nomen epigastrium
epigastrium word
11551 |
nomen epiphysis nervi
epiphysis word of nerve
11932 |
nomen epsilon
epsilon word
12973 |
nomen equator
equator word
11546 |
nomen ergicus
ergic word
14051 |
nomen erythro
erythro word
12835 |
nomen ethmoidalis
ethmoidal word
13039 |
nomen excavatio
pouch word
11600 |
nomen excitatorius
excitatory word
13070 |
nomen excretorius
excretory word
11941 |
nomen expiratorius
expiratory word
13425 |
nomen extensor
extensor word
12045 |
nomen extentus
extended word
12996 |
nomen externus
external word
13405 |
nomen externus
external word
12069 |
nomen extra
extra word
11982 |
nomen extremitas
extremity word
13356 |
nomen extrinsicus
extrinsic word
11699 |
nomen F
F word
13497 |
nomen fabella
fabella word
12063 |
nomen facies corporea
word material surface
12934 |
nomen facies mixtum
mixed face word
12933 |
nomen facies nervi
face word of nerve
12935 |
nomen facies capitis
face word of head
12936 |
nomen facies
surface word
12937 |
nomen facies unspecificata
word face unspecified
12938 |
nomen facies
surface word
12304 |
nomen falx
falx word
12084 |
nomen fascia
fascia word
12086 |
nomen fasciola
fasciola word
13945 |
nomen fastigium
fastigium word
13435 |
nomen femininus
female word
13474 |
nomen femur
femur word
13946 |
nomen femur
thigh word
12815 |
nomen fenestra
window word
12124 |
nomen fibrosus
fibrous word
13476 |
nomen fibula
fibula word
13419 |
nomen fibularis
fibular word
13098 |
nomen fimbria
fimbria word
14066 |
nomen finiculus
finiculus word
11582 |
nomen fissura
fissure word
12772 |
nomen nominis unidimensionalis
word of unidimensional word
12773 |
nomen nominis bidimensionalis
word of bidimensional word
12774 |
nomen fissura
fissure word
12783 |
nomen fissurae corporeae
word of material fissure
13824 |
nomen flaccidus
flaccid word
13424 |
nomen flexor
flexor word
13947 |
nomen flocculus
flocculus word
12344 |
nomen floor
floor word
11560 |
nomen flosculus
rosette word
13506 |
nomen fluctuans
floating word
11589 |
nomen folium
folium word
11771 |
nomen foramen corporeum
material foramen word
17046 |
nomen foramen incorporeum
immaterial foramen word
12083 |
nomen formatio
formation word
12103 |
nomen fossa
fossa word
13834 |
nomen fossula
fossa word
12345 |
nomen fovea
fovea word
13041 |
nomen foveola
foveola word
12342 |
nomen frenulum
frenulum word
13386 |
nomen frons
forehead word
13087 |
nomen frontalis
frontal word
11862 |
nomen fruticosus
bushy word
12330 |
nomen fruticulus
flower basket word
12056 |
nomen fundus
fundus word
12269 |
nomen funiculus
cord word
12976 |
nomen fuscus
dark word
11615 |
nomen fusiformis
fusiform word
14072 |
nomen fustis
fustis word
11700 |
nomen G
G word
12062 |
nomen GABA
GABA word
11930 |
nomen gamma
gamma word
13948 |
nomen ganglion
ganglion word
13037 |
nomen ganglionicus
ganglionic word
11782 |
nomen gaster
stomach word
11794 |
nomen gelatinosus
gelatinous word
14142 |
nomen gemma
gemmal word
13692 |
nomen generalis
general word
11944 |
nomen generans
generating word
12813 |
nomen genericum caroticus
carotic generic word
12812 |
nomen carotideus
carotid word
23133 | 10568 |
nomen genericum ERR
ERR generic word
12923 |
nomen genericum niger
black generic word
12924 |
nomen nigralis
nigral word
11841 |
nomen genericum ruber
red generic word
12060 |
nomen ruber
red word
11566 |
nomen genericus
generic word
12216 |
nomen geniculatus
geniculate word
13675 |
nomen geniculum
geniculum word
12098 |
nomen genitalis
genital word
12089 |
nomen genu
knee word
13007 |
nomen geometricus
geometric word
11857 |
nomen giganteus
giant word
13949 |
nomen gingiva
gingiva word
12217 |
nomen glandula
gland word
12803 |
nomen glios
glios word
12053 |
nomen globus
globe word
11604 |
nomen glomerulus
glomerulus word
12151 |
nomen glomerulus
glomerulus word
12326 |
nomen glomus
glomus word
13950 |
nomen glutealis
gluteal word
11618 |
nomen Golgi
Golgi word
13951 |
nomen gracilis
gracile word
11575 |
nomen granulum
granule word
12109 |
nomen agranularis
agranular word
14023 |
nomen granulatio
granulation word
12914 |
nomen griseus
grey word
11768 |
nomen gustatorius
gustatory word
11835 |
nomen gyri
word of gyrus
11701 |
nomen H
H word
13109 |
nomen habenula
habenula word
13952 |
nomen haema
blood word
14445 |
nomen hallux
big toe word
13494 |
nomen hamulus
hook word
14056 |
nomen haploideus
haploid word
13971 |
nomen helicotrema
helicotrema word
13953 |
nomen helix
helix word
14058 |
nomen hemalius
hemal word
11583 |
nomen hemispherium
hemisphere word
11786 |
nomen hepar
liver word
11652 |
nomen HI
HI word
13850 |
nomen hiatus
hiatus word
11706 |
nomen HII
HII word
11707 |
nomen HIII
HIII word
11609 |
nomen hilum
hilum word
10993 |
nomen hippocampus
hippocampus word
13973 |
nomen histologia
histology word
11655 |
nomen HIV
HIV word
11686 |
nomen HIX
HIX word
13362 |
nomen homogeneus
homogenous word
13373 |
nomen horizontalis
horizontal word
12206 |
nomen humanus
human word
13473 |
nomen humerus
humerus word
13047 |
nomen humor
humor word
11656 |
nomen HV
HV word
11678 |
nomen HVI
HVI word
11681 |
nomen HVIIA
HVIIA word
11682 |
nomen HVIIAa
HVIIAa word
11683 |
nomen HVIIAb
HVIIAb word
11684 |
nomen HVIIB
HVIIB word
11685 |
nomen HVIII
HVIII word
11722 |
nomen HVIIIA
11723 |
nomen HVIIIB
11687 |
nomen HX
HX word
13051 |
nomen hyaloideus
hyaloid word
12920 |
nomen hyoideus
hyoid word
12286 |
nomen hypaxialis
hypaxial word
12136 |
nomen hyper
hyper word
13832 |
nomen hypo
hypo word
13954 |
nomen hypogastrium
hypogastrium word
12382 |
nomen hypoglossus
hypoglossal word
12827 |
nomen hypophysis
hypophysis word
13956 |
nomen hypothalamus
hypothalamus word
11650 |
nomen I
I word
11651 |
nomen I
I word
12266 |
nomen Ia
Ia word
12282 |
nomen Ib
Ib word
11644 |
nomen II
II word
11645 |
nomen III
III word
12278 |
nomen III-IV
III-IV word
13957 |
nomen ilium
ilium word
12413 |
nomen impar
unpaired word
13851 |
nomen impressio
impression word
11339 |
nomen imus
ima word
12222 |
nomen incertus
uncertain word
13439 |
nomen incisivus
incisive word
12306 |
nomen incisura
notch word
13841 |
nomen incus
incus word
11607 |
nomen index
index word
13095 |
nomen indusium
indusium word
13389 |
nomen inferior
inferior word
12300 |
nomen infra
infra word
12189 |
nomen infundibulum
infundibulum word
12289 |
nomen ingressio
entry word
14304 |
nomen ingressio
entry word
13958 |
nomen inguen
groin word
11601 |
nomen inhibitorius
inhibitory word
12185 |
nomen innominatus
innominate word
14025 |
nomen insertio
insertion word
12280 |
nomen insula
islet word
12268 |
nomen inter
inter word
11955 |
nomen intercalatus
intercalated word
13379 |
nomen intermedius
intermediate word
11599 |
nomen interneuron
interneuron word
12995 |
nomen internus
inner word
13406 |
nomen internus
internal word
11612 |
nomen interpositus
interposed word
12804 |
nomen intestinum
intestinum word
11721 |
nomen intra
intra word
11676 |
nomen intrinsicus
intrinsic word
12273 |
nomen intumescentia
enlargement word
13023 |
nomen invaginans
invaginated word
12982 |
nomen iris
iris word
13003 |
nomen iris
iris word
13485 |
nomen irregularis
irregular word
13959 |
nomen ischium
ischium word
12110 |
nomen iso
iso word
11718 |
nomen isthmus
isthmus word
11646 |
nomen IV
IV word
11673 |
nomen IX
IX word
11702 |
nomen J
J word
12367 |
nomen jugum
jugum word
12207 |
nomen junctio
junction word
12154 |
nomen juxta
juxta word
11985 |
nomen juxtarestiformis
juxtarestiform word
11703 |
nomen K
K word
11935 |
nomen kappa
kappa word
13988 |
nomen kino
kino word
12227 |
nomen konio
konio word
11704 |
nomen L
L word
12602 |
nomen L1
L1 word
12603 |
nomen L2
L2 word
12604 |
nomen L3
L3 word
12605 |
nomen L4
L4 word
12606 |
nomen L5
L5 word
10416 |
nomen labium
lip word
12364 |
nomen labyrinthus
labyrinth word
12392 |
nomen lacerus
lacerum word
11554 |
nomen lacrima
tear word
11009 |
nomen lacuna
lacuna word
13072 |
nomen lacus
lake word
11952 |
nomen lamella
lamella word
11798 |
nomen lamina
layer word
11832 |
nomen lamina
layer word
12444 |
nomen larynx
larynx word
13381 |
nomen lateralis
lateral word
14611 |
nomen latus
broad word
13975 |
nomen laxus
loose word
12846 |
nomen lens
lens word
12041 |
nomen lentiformis
lentiform word
12297 |
nomen lepto
lepto word
13056 |
nomen levator
levator word
12208 |
nomen levis
smooth word
12450 |
nomen liber
free word
12303 |
nomen ligamentum
ligament word
13281 |
nomen limbicus
limbic word
12082 |
nomen limbus
limbus word
12076 |
nomen limen
limen word
12131 |
nomen limitans
limiting word
12104 |
nomen linea
line word
12919 |
nomen lingua
tongue word
11580 |
nomen lingula
lingula word
12981 |
nomen lipoideus
lipoid word
14614 |
nomen liquidus
liquid word
12302 |
nomen liquor
fluid word
11578 |
nomen lobulus
lobule word
11577 |
nomen lobus
lobe word
12243 |
nomen locomotorius
locomotor word
12348 |
nomen locus
locus word
13402 |
nomen longitudinalis
longitudinal word
11694 |
nomen longus
long word
13479 |
nomen lumbalis
lumbar word
14420 |
nomen lumbricalis
lumbrical word
14272 |
nomen lumbus
loin word
13407 |
nomen lumen
lumen word
11961 |
nomen lunaris
lunar word
12068 |
nomen lunatus
lunate word
14276 |
nomen luno
luno word
13040 |
nomen luteus
yellow word
13856 |
nomen lympha
lymph word
13366 |
nomen lymphoideus
lymphoid word
11705 |
nomen M
M word
12398 |
nomen M1
M1 word
12399 |
nomen M2
M2 word
12400 |
nomen M3
M3 word
12401 |
nomen M4
M4 word
11610 |
nomen macrogyrius
macrogyric word
12313 |
nomen macula
macula word
11619 |
nomen magnus
large word
9528 |
nomen major
greater word
11900 |
nomen malleolus
malleolus word
13842 |
nomen malleus
malleus word
14277 |
nomen mamma
breast word
14228 |
nomen mammilla
mammelon word
13525 |
nomen mandibula
mandible word
13843 |
nomen manubrium
handle word
13487 |
nomen manus
hand word
12067 |
nomen margo
border word
13436 |
nomen masculinus
male word
12340 |
nomen massa
mass word
14278 |
nomen masseter
masseter word
13573 |
nomen masticatorius
masticatory word
13084 |
nomen mastoideus
mastoid word
12054 |
nomen matrix
matrix word
13522 |
nomen maxilla
maxilla word
12363 |
nomen meatus
meatus word
13380 |
nomen medialis
medial word
13374 |
nomen medianus
median word
8983 |
nomen mediastinum
mediastinum word
13398 |
nomen medius
middle word
11564 |
nomen medulla
medulla word
12260 |
nomen medulla
medulla word
13082 |
nomen medullaris
medullar word
12319 |
nomen membranae
word of membrane
12435 |
nomen membrum
limb word
12825 |
nomen meninx
meninx word
12370 |
nomen mentum
chin word
14266 |
nomen mentum
chin word
12974 |
nomen meridianus
meridian word
13002 |
nomen meridionalis
meridional word
12393 |
nomen mesencephalon
mesencephalon word
11340 |
nomen mesenterium
mesentery word
12150 |
nomen mesialis
mesial word
12215 |
nomen meta
meta word
13456 |
nomen metacarpus
metacarpus word
13458 |
nomen metatarsus
metatarsus word
14598 |
nomen metencephalon
metencephalon word
11611 |
nomen microgyrius
microgyric word
11565 |
nomen micturitio
micturition word
10433 |
nomen minimus
minimal word
9527 |
nomen minor
lesser word
12153 |
nomen mitralis
mitral word
13969 |
nomen modiolus
modiolus word
11836 |
nomen modulatorius
modulator word
12362 |
nomen molaris
molar word
11576 |
nomen molecularis
molecular word
13564 |
nomen mollis
soft word
11543 |
nomen monoamina
monoamine word
11654 |
nomen morphologia
morphology word
12284 |
nomen motoneuron
motoneuron word
11765 |
nomen motorius
motor word
11943 |
nomen motus
rhythm word
12799 |
nomen mucosa
mucosa word
11924 |
nomen multi
multi word
12383 |
nomen multi
multi word
12112 |
nomen multiformis
multiform word
12028 |
nomen muscosus
mossy word
14913 |
nomen musculus genericum
generic muscle word
12368 |
nomen musculus organi
muscle word of organ
14909 |
nomen musculus componentis
muscle word of component
14910 |
nomen musculus structurae
muscle word of structure
14911 |
nomen musculus musculus
muscle word of architecture
13848 |
nomen myelencephalon
myelencephalon word
14047 |
nomen myelina
myelin word
14599 |
nomen myeloideus
myeloid word
12811 |
nomen myentericus
myenteric word
13010 |
nomen myo
myo word
13020 |
nomen myoideus
myoid word
11708 |
nomen N
N word
13027 |
nomen nanus
midget word
12836 |
nomen nasus
nose word
12047 |
nomen natalis
natal word
12941 |
nomen natis
buttock word
13500 |
nomen navicularis
navicular word
17616 |
nomen navicularis urethrae
navicular word of urethra
12106 |
nomen neocortex
neocortex word
9922 |
nomen nervosus
nervous word
12930 |
nomen nervus mixtum
mixed nerve word
12931 |
nomen nervus organi
nerve word of organ
12932 |
nomen nervus rami
nerve word of branch
13602 |
nomen neuraxis
neuraxis word
11553 |
nomen neurofibra
neurofibre word
12144 |
nomen neurogliaformis
neurogliaform word
12802 |
nomen neuron
neuron word
12305 |
nomen neurothelialis
neurothelial word
12814 |
nomen nigrum
black word
14279 |
nomen nodosus
nodose word
14648 |
nomen nodus
node word
10992 |
nomen nomen
word word
11649 |
nomen non
non word
13361 |
nomen nonparenchymateus
non parenchymateous word
13348 |
nomen nonstriatus
smooth word
12352 |
nomen nonus
ninth word
11544 |
nomen noradrenalina
noradrenalin word
13963 |
nomen nucha
neck word
12939 |
nomen nucleus
nucleus word
13744 |
nomen nutricius
nutrient word
11709 |
nomen O
O word
14155 |
nomen obex
obex word
11986 |
nomen obliquus
oblique word
12259 |
nomen oblongatus
lengthened word
11951 |
nomen obscurus
obscure word
9673 |
nomen obturatus
obturator word
14226 |
nomen occipitalis lobi occipitalis
occipital word of occipital lobe
12025 |
nomen occipitoparietotemporo
occipitoparietotemporo word
13387 |
nomen occiput
occiput word
14280 |
nomen occlusalis
occlusal word
12351 |
nomen octavus
eighth word
11921 |
nomen octopodiformis
octopodiform word
9157 |
nomen oculus
eye word
16725 |
nomen odontium
odontium word
13594 |
nomen odontostomatologia
odontostomatology word
12807 |
nomen oesophagus
oesophagus word ▲
15305 |
nomen oesophageus
oesophageal word ▲
12927 |
nomen olfactio
olfaction word
13595 |
nomen oliva
olive word
11936 |
nomen omega
omega word
12380 |
nomen omo
omo word
14546 |
nomen omos
shoulder word
12065 |
nomen operculum
operculum word
11552 |
nomen ophthalmicus
ophthalmic word
14530 |
nomen opponens
opponens word
12840 |
nomen opticus
optic word
13012 |
nomen ora
edge word
10363 |
nomen orbicularis
orbicular word
13052 |
nomen orbita
orbit word
13784 |
nomen ordo
row word
12335 |
nomen organum
organ word
11013 |
nomen oriens
oriens word
12137 |
nomen orientatio
orientation word
12138 |
nomen orientatio
orientation word
11959 |
nomen origo
origin word
10366 |
nomen os
mouth word
13483 |
nomen os
bone word
13587 |
nomen os
mouth word
13840 |
nomen ossiculum
ossicle word
13854 |
nomen ostium
opening word
14002 |
nomen otolithus
otolith word
11770 |
nomen ovalis
oval word
14446 |
nomen ovarium
ovary word
11710 |
nomen P
P word
12403 |
nomen P1
P1 word
12404 |
nomen P2
P2 word
12405 |
nomen P3
P3 word
12406 |
nomen P4
P4 word
12296 |
nomen pachy
pachy word
12148 |
nomen paleo
paleo word
12926 |
nomen pallidum
pallidum word
13100 |
nomen pallium
pallium word
14270 |
nomen palma
palm word
13422 |
nomen palmaris
palmar word
12832 |
nomen palpebra
eyelid word
12786 |
nomen pancreas
pancreas word
13038 |
nomen papilla
papilla word
12360 |
nomen par
pair word
11758 |
nomen para
para word
11603 |
nomen parallelus
parallel word
14291 |
nomen parasympathicus
parasympathetic word
13360 |
nomen parenchyma
parenchyma word
12412 |
nomen paribus
paired word
12971 |
nomen paries
wall word
14292 |
nomen parotideus
parotid word
11579 |
nomen pars
part word
11620 |
nomen parvus
small word
13496 |
nomen patella
patella word
12984 |
nomen pecten
pecten word
14267 |
nomen pectus
pectus word
13902 |
nomen pediculus
pedicle word
12090 |
nomen pellucidus
translucent word
14268 |
nomen pelvis
pelvis word
11598 |
nomen penicillatus
penicillate word
16674 |
nomen penicillus
penicillus word
11628 |
nomen pennatus
feathered word
12026 |
nomen perforans
perforating word
11960 |
nomen perforatus
perforated word
11953 |
nomen peri
peri word
14046 |
nomen perikaryon
perikaryon word
11790 |
nomen perineum
perineum word
14144 |
nomen periosteum
periosteum word
13415 |
nomen periphericus
peripheral word
13093 |
nomen perirhinalis
perirhinal word
14293 |
nomen peritoneum
peritoneum word
15945 |
nomen permanens
permanent word
12391 |
nomen persistens
persistent word
9956 |
nomen pes
foot word
12929 |
nomen petrosus
petrous word
13454 |
nomen phalanx
phalanx word
12526 |
nomen pharynx
pharynx word
11937 |
nomen phi
phi word
11648 |
nomen physicus
physical word
12854 |
nomen pia mater
pia mater word
11834 |
nomen pigmentosus
pigmented word
13782 |
nomen pilus
hair word
12916 |
nomen pinealis
pineal word
12048 |
nomen piriformis
piriform word
13490 |
nomen pisiformis
pisiform word
14055 |
nomen plaketa
platelet word
13423 |
nomen planta
sole word
12074 |
nomen planum corporeum
word material plane
13426 |
nomen planum
plane word
10430 |
nomen platysma
platysma word
12152 |
nomen plexiformis
plexiform word
12327 |
nomen plexus
plexus word
12816 |
nomen plica mixtum
mixed fold word
12309 |
nomen plica incorporea
immaterial fold word
12817 |
nomen plica corporea
material fold word
12143 |
nomen plumosus
tufted word
13531↓ |
nomen pneumaticus
pneumatic word
14509 |
nomen pollex
thumb word
11925 |
nomen polus
pole word
12055 |
nomen pons
bridge word
13080 |
nomen pons
pons word
13017 |
nomen ponticulus
stalk word
12420 |
nomen porta
portal word
14613 |
nomen portio
portion word
12312 |
nomen porus
pore word
13429 |
nomen positio
position word
11720 |
nomen post spatiale
spatial post word
11614 |
nomen post temporale
temporal post word
13383 |
nomen posterior
posterior word
14068 |
nomen postis
pillar word
13049 |
nomen postremus
postrema word
11719 |
nomen pre
pre word
13441 |
nomen premolaris
premolar word
11956 |
nomen prepositus
prepositus word
11965 |
nomen primarius
primary word
11657 |
nomen primus
first word
12449 |
nomen principalis
cardinal word
11022 |
nomen pro
pro word
10362 |
nomen procerus
procerus word
11596 |
nomen processus
process word
13410 |
nomen profundus
deep word
13450 |
nomen prominentia
prominence word
13835 |
nomen promontorium
promontory word
14483 |
nomen pronator
pronator word
12234 |
nomen proprius
proper word
14294 |
nomen prosencephalon
prosencephalon word
12796 |
nomen prostata
prostate word
14088 |
nomen protiniculum
protiniculum word
12315 |
nomen protrusio
protrusion word
13411 |
nomen proximalis
proximal word
13513 |
nomen psalterium
psalterium word
12329 |
nomen psammoma
psammoma word
13855 |
nomen pseudo
pseudo word
11933 |
nomen psi
psi word
12822 |
nomen pterygoideus
pterygoid word
13955 |
nomen pubis
pubis word
9677 |
nomen pudendum
pudendum word
11534 |
nomen pulmo
lung word
13896 |
nomen pulpa
pulp word
15994 |
nomen pulposus
pulpose word
14295 |
nomen pulvinar
pulvinar word
13074 |
nomen punctum
punctum word
13004 |
nomen pupilla
pupil word
11570 |
nomen Purkinje
Purkinje word
13105 |
nomen putamen
putamen word
11839 |
nomen pylorus
pylorus word
14225 |
nomen pyramis rhombencephali caudalis
pyramid word of caudal rhombencephalon
11590 |
nomen pyramis
pyramis word
11711 |
nomen Q
Q word
11587 |
nomen quadrangularis
quadrangular word
14421 |
nomen quadratus
quadrate word
13234 |
nomen quadrigeminalis
quadrigeminal word
11763 |
nomen quartus
fourth word
12324 |
nomen quintus
fifth word
11712 |
nomen R
R word
11713 |
nomen R
R word
12145 |
nomen racemiformis
racemiform word
13417 |
nomen radialis
radial word
12039 |
nomen radiatus
radiate word
11622 |
nomen radius
radius word
13472 |
nomen radius
radius word
12290 |
nomen ramificatio
branching word
12105 |
nomen ramus
branch word
14273 |
nomen raphe
raphe word
12336 |
nomen recessus
recess word
12790 |
nomen rectum
rectum word
11833 |
nomen rectus
rectus word
12267 |
nomen recurrens
recurrent word
11842 |
nomen regio
region word
13484 |
nomen regularis
regular word
12078 |
nomen ren
kidney word
11940 |
nomen respiratio
respiration word
11984 |
nomen restiformis
restiform word
13650 |
nomen rete
anastomosis word
12983 |
nomen reticulum
meshwork word
12830 |
nomen retina
retina word
14482 |
nomen retinaculum
retinaculum word
12040 |
nomen retro
retro word
14229 |
nomen retroflexus
retroflexus word
12228 |
nomen reuniens
reuniens word
13094 |
nomen rhinalis
rhinal word
14227 |
nomen rhombencephalon
rhombencephalon word
12343 |
nomen rhomboideus
rhomboid word
13059 |
nomen rima
fissure word
10364 |
nomen risorius
risorius word
13071 |
nomen rivus
pathway word
13393 |
nomen rostralis
rostral word
12088 |
nomen rostrum
rostrum word
11859 |
nomen rotiformis
rotiform word
13836 |
nomen rotundus
round word
12233 |
nomen ruber
red word
12607 |
nomen S1
S1 word
12608 |
nomen S2
S2 word
12609 |
nomen S3
S3 word
12610 |
nomen S4
S4 word
12611 |
nomen S5
S5 word
13858 |
nomen sacculus
saccule word
12301 |
nomen saccus
pouch word
14296 |
nomen sacralis
sacral word
13480 |
nomen sacrum
sacrum word
13376 |
nomen sagittalis
sagittal word
14297 |
nomen sagulum
sagulum word
12333 |
nomen sanguis
blood word
14298 |
nomen saphenus
saphenous word
13970 |
nomen scala
scale word
10432 |
nomen scalenus
scalene word
13488 |
nomen scapha
scapha word
13512 |
nomen scapula
scapula word
13783 |
nomen scapus
rod word
12833 |
nomen sclera
sclera word
12097 |
nomen scrotum
scrotum word
13061 |
nomen sebaceus
sebaceous word
11966 |
nomen secundarius
secondary word
11677 |
nomen secundus
second word
11980 |
nomen segmentum
segment word
14145 |
nomen sella
sella word
12037 |
nomen semi
semi word
12980 |
nomen senilis
senil word
12346 |
nomen separans
separans word
12350 |
nomen septimus
seventh word
8360 |
nomen septum
septum word
12801 |
nomen serosa
serosa word
67245 | 11542 |
nomen serotonina
serotonine word
13013 |
nomen serratus
dentated word
13495 |
nomen sesamoideus
sesamoid word
12349 |
nomen sextus
sixth word
12254 |
nomen sexualis
sexual word
12418 |
nomen sigmoideus
sigmoid word
11679 |
nomen simplex
simple word
13852 |
nomen singularis
singular word
13378 |
nomen sinister
left word
12390 |
nomen sinus
sinus word
12844 |
nomen sipho
syphon word
13695 |
nomen skeleton
skeleton word
13359 |
nomen solidus
solid word
14156 |
nomen solitarius
solitary word
14052 |
nomen solo
solo word
11766 |
nomen soma
soma word
11688 |
nomen spatii substantiae albae
word of space for white substance
83857 | 11970 |
nomen brachium
brachium word
83860 | 11536 |
nomen pedunculus
peduncle word
62466 | 11981 |
nomen capsula
capsule word
12841 |
nomen fornix
fornix word
11793 |
nomen commissura
commissure word
12298 |
nomen spatium
space word
13001 |
nomen spatuliformis
spatuliform word
12845 |
nomen sphenoidalis
sphenoidal word
11864 |
nomen sphericus
spherical word
13021 |
nomen spherula
spherule word
14299 |
nomen sphincter
sphincter word
13078 |
nomen spina
spine word
13197 |
nomen spinalis
spinous word
14457 |
nomen spinatus
spinous word
12059 |
nomen spinosus
spinous word
12366 |
nomen spiralis
spiral word
12942 |
nomen splanchnicus
splanchnic word
12785 |
nomen splen
spleen word
16683 |
nomen lien
lien word
12331 |
nomen splendens
splendens word
12853 |
nomen splenium
splenium word
13460 |
nomen spurius
false word
12417 |
nomen squama
squama word
9916 |
nomen staminalis
stem word
12823 |
nomen stapes
stapes word
14001 |
nomen statoconium
statoconium word
12212 |
nomen stellaris
stellar word
13507 |
nomen sternum
sternum word
11014 |
nomen stratificatus
stratified word
11748 |
nomen stratum
layer word
12925 |
nomen stratum
layer word
12775 |
nomen striatum
striatum word
12782 |
nomen striatus
striatal word
11752 |
nomen stria
stria word
13349 |
nomen striatus
striated word
14005 |
nomen striola
striola word
13108 |
nomen striosoma
striosome word
12989 |
nomen stroma
stroma word
12046 |
nomen structura
structure word
13833 |
nomen styloideus
styloid word
11745 |
nomen sub
sub word
12928 |
nomen subiculum
subiculum word
11563 |
nomen substantia
substance word
12214 |
nomen substantia
matter word
14260 |
nomen subthalamus
subthalamus word
13062 |
nomen sudorifer
sweat word
11346 |
nomen sulcus mixtum
mixed sulcus word
11963 |
nomen sulci subarachnoidei
word of subarachnoid groove
12767 |
nomen sulcus cordis
word sulcus of heart
12768 |
nomen sulci ossei
word of osseous sulcus
12770 |
nomen sulci organi sensorii
word of groove of sensory organ
12771 |
nomen sulcus corporis
word sulcus of body
13057 |
nomen supercilium
eyebrow word
13409 |
nomen superficies
surface word
13388 |
nomen superior
superior word
13453 |
nomen supernumerarius
supernumerary word
14470 |
nomen supinator
supinator word
11927 |
nomen supra
supra word
13741 |
nomen supremus
supreme word
14269 |
nomen sura
calf word
13000 |
nomen suspensorius
suspensory word
14067 |
nomen sustentaculum
sustentaculum word
14639 |
nomen sutura
suture word
14300 |
nomen sympathicus
sympathetic word
13024 |
nomen synapsis
synapse word
8984 |
nomen syndesmosis
syndesmosis word
13449 |
nomen synovia
synovial fluid word
12193 |
nomen systema
system word
11714 |
nomen T
T word
12574 |
nomen T1
T1 word
12583 |
nomen T10
T10 word
12584 |
nomen T11
T11 word
12585 |
nomen T12
T12 word
12575 |
nomen T2
T2 word
12576 |
nomen T3
T3 word
12577 |
nomen T4
T4 word
12578 |
nomen T5
T5 word
12579 |
nomen T6
T6 word
12580 |
nomen T7
T7 word
12581 |
nomen T8
T8 word
12582 |
nomen T9
T9 word
11499 |
nomen taenia
taenia word
13499 |
nomen talus
talus word
12122 |
nomen tangentialis
tangential word
13106 |
nomen tapetum
tapetum word
13058 |
nomen tarsus palpebrae
tarsus word of eyelid
13457 |
nomen tarsus
ankle word
11934 |
nomen tau
tau word
13861 |
nomen tectorius
tectorial word
13860 |
nomen tectum
tectum word
12341 |
nomen tegmen
roof word
11762 |
nomen tegmentum
tegmentum word
12322 |
nomen tela
canvas word
13089 |
nomen telencephalon
telencephalon word
12847 |
nomen temporalis
temporal word
13055 |
nomen tendo
tendon word
13554 |
nomen tensor
tensor word
14083 |
nomen tensus
tensed word
11772 |
nomen tentorialis
tentorial word
11784 |
nomen teres
round word
12032 |
nomen terminalis
terminal word
13691 |
nomen terminus
term word
11967 |
nomen tertiarius
tertiary word
12323 |
nomen tertius
third word
12789 |
nomen testis
testis word
13972 |
nomen textus
tissue word
14224 |
nomen thalamus
thalamus word
14301 |
nomen thoracicus
thoracic word
13478 |
nomen thorax
thorax word
13677 |
nomen thymus
thymus word
12921 |
nomen thyroideus
thyroid word
13475 |
nomen tibia
tibia word
13421 |
nomen tibialis
tibial word
12281 |
nomen tonicus
tonic word
11756 |
nomen tonsilla
tonsil word
12314 |
nomen trabecula
trabecula word
14274 |
nomen trachea
trachea word
13607 |
nomen tragus
tragus word
12077 |
nomen trans
trans word
12279 |
nomen transiens
transient word
12044 |
nomen transitio
transition word
13864 |
nomen transversarius
transverse word
13399 |
nomen transversus
transverse word
13401 |
nomen transversus
transverse word
12369 |
nomen trapezius
trapezius word
11533 |
nomen trapezoideus
trapezoid word
13492 |
nomen trapezoideus
trapezoid word
12142 |
nomen tri
tri word
11792 |
nomen triangula
triangle word
12860 |
nomen triceps
triceps word
12781 |
nomen tridimensionalis
tridimensional word
11754 |
nomen trigeminalis
trigeminal word
12093 |
nomen trigonum
trigone word
13498 |
nomen trigonus
trigone word
13489 |
nomen triquetrus
triquetral word
12837 |
nomen trochlea
trochlea word
11753 |
nomen truncus
trunk word
14275 |
nomen tuba
tube word
11591 |
nomen tuber
tuber word
11779 |
nomen tuberculum
tubercle word
13960 |
nomen tuberositas
tuberosity word
8837 |
nomen tunica
layer word
12820 |
nomen tympanum
tympanum word
13026 |
nomen typus
type word
11715 |
nomen U
U word
12947 |
nomen ulna
ulna word
13418 |
nomen ulna
ulna word
13031 |
nomen umbelliformis
umbelliform word
13825 |
nomen umbo
umbo word
11983 |
nomen uncinatus
uncinate word
12838 |
nomen uncus
uncus word
12354 |
nomen undecimus
eleventh word
12140 |
nomen uni
uni word
12779 |
nomen unidimensionale
unidimensional word
12111 |
nomen unimodalis
unimodal word
14404 |
nomen unitaris
unitary word
14385 |
nomen unspecificatus substantiae albae
unspecified word of white matter
11562 |
nomen multistratificatus
multilayered word
12385 |
nomen proprioceptivus
proprioceptive word
12842 |
nomen cingulum
girdle word
11801 |
nomen folialis
folial word
13101 |
nomen alveus
alveus word
12311 |
nomen ureter
ureter word
13434 |
nomen urethra
urethra word
13612 |
nomen urina
urine word
12793 |
nomen uterus
uterus word
12794 |
nomen uterus
uterus word
13857 |
nomen utriculus
utricle word
12985 |
nomen uvea
uvea word
11593 |
nomen uvula
uvula word
11647 |
nomen V
V word
11716 |
nomen V
V word
11774 |
nomen V1
V1 word
11775 |
nomen V2
V2 word
11776 |
nomen V3
V3 word
12402 |
nomen V4
V4 word
12347 |
nomen vagalis
vagal word
11550 |
nomen vagina
sheath word
11828 |
nomen vagus
vagus word
11584 |
nomen vallecula
vallecula word
14638 |
nomen valva
valve word
14645 |
nomen varians
variant word
11863 |
nomen vas
vessel word
14302 |
nomen vas
vessel word
14303 |
nomen vas
vessel word
12338 |
nomen vascula
vasculature word
12944 |
nomen vasculosus
vascular word
12325 |
nomen velum
velum word
12987 |
nomen vena
vein word
12945 |
nomen venter
belly word
13384 |
nomen ventralis
ventral word
15605 |
nomen ventriculus mixtum
mixed ventricle word
11975 |
nomen ventriculus cordis
ventricle word of heart
13390 |
nomen ventriculus cerebri
ventricle word of brain
12988 |
nomen venula
venule word
12851 |
nomen vermis
vermis word
12079 |
nomen verruca
wart word
13451 |
nomen vertebra
vertebra word
12071 |
nomen vertex
vertex word
13372 |
nomen verticalis
vertical word
13459 |
nomen verus
true word
12792 |
nomen vesica
bladder word
14234 |
nomen vestibularis
vestibular word
12918 |
nomen vestibulum
vestibule word
11658 |
nomen VI
VI word
11595 |
nomen viae substanciae albae
word of pathway of white substance
11691 |
nomen tractus
tract word
11695 |
nomen fibra
fibre word ▲
76742 | 11531 |
nomen lemniscus
lemniscus word
14415 |
nomen fasciculus
fasciculus word
12235 | 13882 |
nomen fasciculus neuraxis
fasciculus word
14414 |
nomen fasciculus unspecificatus
word fascicle unspecified
8843 |
nomen via
pathway word
83859 | 11529 |
nomen radiatio
radiation word
12061 |
nomen connexus
pathway word
9526 |
nomen forceps
forceps word
12049 |
nomen axon
axon word
11977 |
nomen filum
cord word
11517 |
nomen radix
root word
12371 |
nomen radicula
rootlet word
12421 |
nomen bandaletta
band word
11671 |
nomen VII
VII word
11659 |
nomen VIIA
VIIA word
11660 |
nomen VIIA
VIIA word
11672 |
nomen VIII
VIII word
12316 |
nomen villus
villus word
13786 |
nomen vinculum mixtum
mixed link word
13989 |
nomen vinculum histologicum
histological link word
13785 |
nomen vinculum musculare
muscular mesotendon word
11767 |
nomen visceralis
visceral word
12070 |
nomen visus
sight word
11568 |
nomen vita
life word
13050 |
nomen vitreus
vitreous word
13521 |
nomen vomer
vomer word
12784 |
nomen vortex
vortex word
11717 |
nomen W
W word
11689 |
nomen X
X word
11692 |
nomen X
X word
12356 |
nomen XI
XI word
12357 |
nomen XII
XII word
11693 |
nomen Y
Y word
12358 |
nomen Z
Z word
11630 |
nomen zona
zone word
12999 |
nomen zonula
zonule word
13529 |
nomen zygomaticus
zygomatic word
11581 |
sulcus insulae
groove of islet
83779 | 6034 | part |
sulcus centralis superior insulae
superior central groove of islet
83753 | 6035 | part |
sulcus circularis insulae ; sulcus periinsularis
circular groove of islet ; periinsular groove
9115 | part |
sulcus interlobaris inferomedialis
inferomedial interlobar groove
5983 | part |
sulcus interlobaris superolateralis
superolateral interlobar groove
11592 |
sulcus lobi frontalis
groove of frontal lobe
83758 | 8780↓ | part |
sulcus diagonalis
diagonal groove
8659↓ | part |
sulcus frontomarginalis lobi frontalis
frontomarginal groove of frontal lobe
83755 | 6003 | part |
sulcus frontalis superior
superior frontal groove
83757 | 5998 | part |
sulcus frontalis inferior
inferior frontal groove
83800 | 6001 | part |
sulcus precentralis
precentral groove
83765 | 8667↓ | part |
sulcus subcentralis anterior
anterior subcentral groove
83778 | 8668↓ | part |
sulcus subcentralis posterior
posterior subcentral groove
83769 | 6055 | part |
sulcus olfactorius
olfactory groove
83770 | 6053↓ | part |
sulcus orbitalis
orbital groove
8679↓ | part |
sulcus orbitalis lateralis
lateral orbital groove
83771 | 8680↓ | part |
sulcus orbitalis transversus
transverse orbital groove
8681↓ | part |
sulcus orbitalis medialis
medial orbital groove
83782 | 6044 | part |
sulcus paracentralis
paracentral groove
6051 | part |
sulcus paraolfactorius
paraolfactory groove
83744 | 8673 | part |
sulcus paraolfactorius anterior
anterior paraolfactory groove
83745 | 8674 | part |
sulcus paraolfactorius posterior
posterior paraolfactory groove
11574 |
sulcus lobi limbici
groove of limbic lobe
83728 | 6074 | part |
sulcus fimbriodentatus
fimbriodentate groove
83747 | 6072 | part |
sulcus hippocampalis
hippocampal groove
8756↓ | part |
sulcus intrarhinalis
intrarhinal groove
83746 | 6076 | part |
sulcus rhinalis
rhinal groove
8735↓ | part |
sulcus semianularis
semianular groove
327490 | 12002 |
sulcus lobi occipitalis
groove of occipital lobe
83788 | 6015 | part |
sulcus lunatus
lunate groove
83786 | 6016 | part |
sulcus occipitalis transversus
transverse occipital groove
83749 | 6061 | part |
sulcus calcarinus
calcarine groove
327489 | 12001 |
sulcus lobi parietalis
groove of parietal lobe
83772 | 6008↓ | part |
sulcus intraparietalis lobi parietalis
intraparietal groove of parietal lobe
8781↓ | part |
sulcus intermedius primus ; sulcus intermedius anterior
first intermediate groove ; anterior intermediate groove
8782↓ | part |
sulcus intermedius secundus ; sulcus intermedius posterior
second intermediate groove ; posterior intermediate groove
83774 | 6010 | part |
sulcus postcentralis
postcentral groove
9122↓ | part |
sulcus parietalis transversus
transverse parietal groove
12000 |
sulcus lobi temporalis
groove of temporal lobe
83784 | 6028 | part |
sulcus temporalis inferior
inferior temporal groove
83783 | 6026 | part |
sulcus temporalis superior
superior temporal groove
83782 | 6025 | part |
sulcus temporalis transversus
transverse temporal groove
8711 | part |
sulcus temporalis transversus anterior
anterior transverse temporal groove
8712 | part |
sulcus temporalis transversus intermedius
intermediate transverse temporal groove
74518 | 6065 | part |
sulcus occipitotemporalis ; sulcus occipitotemporalis lateralis
occipitotemporal groove ; lateral occipitotemporal groove
8713 | part |
sulcus temporalis transversus posterior
posterior transverse temporal groove
12682 |
res presentationis T2 292 children
entity of presentation
12683 |
res presentationis paginae
interface entity of page
12685 |
terminus paginae
title of page
11343 |
terminus paginae unitatis
title of unit page
12625 |
terminus paginae rei
title of entity page
14107 |
terminus paginae universalis
title of universal page
14187 |
terminus paginae definitionis
title of definition page
13189 |
terminus paginae partonomiae
title of partonomy page
13190 |
terminus paginae taxonomiae
title of taxonomic page
12626 |
terminus paginae presentationis
title of interface page
12660 |
terminus paginae generationis idiomae
title of language test page
14600 |
terminus paginae alphabeticalis
title of alphabetic page
14601 |
terminus paginae KWIC
title of KWIC page
14602 |
terminus paginae TA98
title of page TA98
12686 |
verbum paginae
word of page
12627 |
idioma primaria
primary language
12628 |
idioma subsidiaria
subsidiary language
12629 |
idioma presentationis
interface language
12630 |
opus in progressu
warning for work in progress
12663 |
auxilium in colorum
indicator of help on colors
12667 |
auxilium in pagina
warning for icon of help on this page
13211 |
verbum lineae
word for number of lines
13212 |
dies creationis
date of creation
12761 |
bulla paginae
bubble of page
14331 |
14333 |
label or identifier
14335 |
value or descriptive text
14341 |
lingua latina
text indicator in latin
14343 |
lingua anglica
English text indicator
14345 |
lingua gallica
text indicator in French
14347 |
lingua hispanica
spanish text indicator
14349 |
lingua russa
text indicator in Russian
12695 |
presentatio paginae
interface of page
12700 |
presentatio paginae generationis
interface of test page
12662 |
generatio gendri nominum
test of gender of nouns
12696 |
generatio gendri adjectivum
test of gender of adjectives
14368 |
generatio in absentia expansionis
test of terms without expansion
14390 |
generatio expansionis adjectivalis
test for adjectival expansion
12684 |
presentatio sectionis
interface of section
12694 |
terminus sectionis
title of section
12643 |
sectio identitatis
identification section
12653 |
sectio navigationis
navigation section
12703 |
sectio representationis
values of interface
13245 |
definitio sectionis
12655 |
sectio qualitatis
property section
12641 |
sectio termini latini
section of Latin term
12645 |
sectio termini anglici
section of English term
12647 |
sectio termini gallici
scetion of French term
12649 |
sectio termini iberici
section of Spanish term
12651 |
sectio termini russici
section of Russian term
14093 |
12657 |
sectio partonomiae brevae
section of light partonomy
12659 |
sectio partonomiae extendae
section of extended partonomy
12661 |
sectio taxonomiae
title of the section of taxonomy
13191 |
sectio navigationis albi
13192 |
sectio albi partonomici
13193 |
sectio albi taxonomici
12624 |
sectio albi representationis
13194 |
sectio notarum scientificarum
13195 |
sectio vestigiala
13225 |
sectio antecessoris taxonomici
section of taxonomic ancestors
13242 |
sectio definitionis taxonomici
section of taxonomic definition
12760 |
sectio occursium
occurrence section
13198 |
sectio trialis gendri nomini
14337 |
sectio Ftrialis gendri nomini
14339 |
sectio Rtrialis gendri nomini
14603 |
sectio TA98 trace
14558 |
10055 |
presentatio propria sectionis
proper interface of section
12688 |
presentatio sectionis identitatis
interface for identification section
12612 |
terminus latinus officialis
official Latin term
12613 |
terminus officialis
official term
12614 |
terminus formalis
formal term
12615 |
terminus subsidiaris officialis
official subsidiary term
12616 |
identitas rei
entity identifier
12617 |
identitas unitatis
unit identifier
12618 |
genus rei
entity type
12619 |
genus unitatis
type of unit
14310 |
genus corporeae
materiality type
12689 |
presentatio sectionis navigationis
interface for navigation section
12699 |
nomen sectionis navigationis
name for navigation section
14095 |
home page
home page
14096 |
terminus paginae initiae
title of home page
12701 |
vinculae rerum
entity-oriented links
12723 |
vinculae partonomicae
partonomic links
12725 |
vinculae taxonomicae
taxonomic links
13178 |
13179 |
album brevis
short list
13180 |
album longus
long list
13181 |
top level
top level
13182 |
level 2
level 2
13183 |
level 3
level 3
13184 |
current level
current level
13227 |
optio linguae
non Latin primary language
14108 |
optio linguae latinae
subsidiary language with Latin
13229 |
lingua latina
Latin language
13230 |
lingua anglica
English language
13231 |
lingua gallica
French language
13232 |
lingua hispanica
Spanish language
13233 |
lingua russica
Russian language
12644 |
presentatio sectionis albi presentationis
interface for the section of interface lists
12638 |
terminus columnae termini
text of interface
12642 |
terminus columnae bullae
text of column of bubble
13196 |
presentatio sectionis presentationis
interface for interface section
12664 |
terminus presentationis inglesi
texte of interface in English
12668 |
terminus presentationis gallici
French interface
12669 |
terminus presentationis iberi
Spanish interface
12704 |
terminus presentationis russi
Russian interface
12691 |
presentatio sectionis linguae
interface of language section
12697 |
terminus sectionis linguae
12634 |
terminus officialis
official term
12636 |
status termini officialis
term status
12632 |
terminus universalis
universal term
12639 |
terminus internus
internal term
12757 |
terminus vocabularis
vocabulary term
14097 |
status termini universalis
status of universal term
14135 |
status universalis modified
modified universal term
14098 |
status regularis
regular term
14099 |
status acceptalis
protected term
14100 |
status irregularis
irregular term
14175 |
14177 |
14179 |
14181 |
14183 |
14185 |
12698 |
bulla sectionis linguae
bubble of language section
12635 |
bulla termini principalis officialis
bubble of main official term
12637 |
12633 |
bulla termini universalis
bubble of universal term
12640 |
bulla termini interni
bubble of internal term
12758 |
bulla vocabularis
vocabulary bubble
14101 |
14136 |
14102 |
14105 |
14106 |
14176 |
14178 |
14180 |
14182 |
14184 |
14186 |
12692 |
presentatio sectionis partonomiae
interface of partonomic section
13201 |
13202 |
13203 |
13204 |
13205 |
13206 |
13207 |
13208 |
13209 |
13210 |
14188 |
14189 |
14190 |
12693 |
presentatio sectionis taxonomiae
interface of taxonomic section
13247 |
presentatio sectionis definitionis
interface for definition section
12764 |
presentatio sectionis occursium
interface for occurrences section
12765 |
12762 |
terminus nominis
heading of noun
8838 |
terminus adjectivi
heading of adjective
8839 |
terminus prefixis
heading of prefix
8840 |
12766 |
12763 |
bulla nominis
bubble of noun
8841 |
9939 |
9946 |
13199 |
presentatio sectionis testorum linguae
interface for section of language tests
13200 |
terminus in absentia
default term
13226 |
terminus in regula
term by rule
13243 |
terminus in excepta
term by exception
13246 |
terminus in alba
term by dictionary
13255 |
13252 |
14094 |
terminus resultas
term result
14241 |
terminus success
term of siccess
14255 |
terminus found
term found value
14309 |
terminus failures
term failures
14311 |
terminus instead
14316 |
terminus masculinus
14318 |
terminus femininus
14320 |
terminus neuter
14322 |
terminus entries
14329 |
terminus size
term size
14351 |
14353 |
14355 |
14357 |
14360 |
14362 |
14363 |
14364 |
14365 |
14366 |
12690 |
presentatio sectionis qualitatis
interface of property section
12729 |
terminus sectionis qualitatis
term of property section
12727 |
terminus qualitatis specificatio
term of specificity property
12730 |
genus specifitionis specificatus
type of specificity specific
12732 |
genus specifitionis genericus
type of specificity generic
12735 |
qualita dimensionis
property of dimension
12738 |
genus dimensionis tridimensionis
type of dimension tridimension
12745 |
terminus qualitatis corporea
term of the materiality property
12747 |
genus corporeus rei corporeae
type of materiality material entity
12748 |
terminus qualitatis rei incorporeae
12749 |
qualitatis compositionis
12752 |
12755 |
qualitatis generatio
12717 |
valor genus sectionis qualitatis
type value of property section
12706 |
12707 |
12708 |
12709 |
12710 |
12711 |
genus rei incorporea pariba
12712 |
12713 |
12714 |
12715 |
12716 |
12718 |
12743 |
genus rei res
12722 |
genus unitatis specificus
unit type specific
12744 |
genus unitatis unita
12751 |
12754 |
genus bilateralis par
type of bilaterality pair
12734 |
bulla sectionis qualitatis
bubble of property section
12728 |
bulla qualitatis specificatis
bubble of property specificity
12736 |
bulla qualitatis dimensionis
bubble for the dimension property
12746 |
bulla qualitatis corporea
bubble of property material
12750 |
bulla qualitatis compositionis
bubble of property composition
12753 |
bulla qualitatis bilateralis
bubbl of the property bilateral
12756 |
bulla qualitatis generationis
bubble of property generator
10054 |
bulla genus sectionis qualitatis
bubble of type of property section
12731 |
bulla valoris specificationis specificatus
bubble for specificity value specific
12733 |
bulla valoris specificationis genericus
bubble for specificity value generic
12737 |
bulla valoris qualitatis dimensionis 3
bubble of value of property tridimension
14133 |
presentatio generalis
general interface
14134 |
nomen par
word pair
14305 |
presentatio rei
entity presentation
14306 |
presentatio typi rei
presentation of entity type
14308 |
bulla typi rei
bubble for type entity
14369 |
bulla rei corporeae
bubble for material entity
14370 |
bulla rei incorporeae
bubble for immaterial entity
14373 |
bulla rei non physicae
bubble for non physical entity
14361 |
presentatio unitatis
unit presentation
12620 |
presentatio generis
interface of type
12621 |
presentatio generis corporei
presentation of type material
14312 |
genus corporeus
value material for the type material
14313 |
genus incorporeus
value immaterial for the type material
11789 |
genus mixus
value mixed for the type material
14314 |
genus non physicus
value non physical for the type material
12622 |
presentatio generis rei
interface of type of entity
12705 |
genus unspecificus
undefined type
14338 |
genus res simplex
type single entity
14340 |
genus generator paris
type pair generator
14342 |
genus par specificum
type specific pair
14344 |
genus membrum sinistrum paris
type left member of a pair
14346 |
genus membrum dextrum paris
type right member of a pair
14348 |
genus generator classis paris
type generator of paired set
14350 |
genus classis generici classis paired
type generator of a generic set of a paired set
14352 |
genus classis parie
type paired set
14354 |
genus membrum sinistrum classis paris
type left member of a paired set
14356 |
genus membrum dextrum classis paris
type right member of a paired set
14315 |
genus generator classis
type set generator
14307 |
genus classis specifica
type specific set
14359 |
genus generator classis mixi
type generator of mixed set
14358 |
genus classis mixi
type mixed set
14317 |
genus reference
type reference
14334 |
genus deleted
deleted type
14332 |
genus lexicalis
lexical type
14330 |
genus taxonomicus
taxonomic type
14328 |
genus standby
type standby
14319 |
genus album nominis
type vocabulary
14336 |
genus reference TA98
type reference TA98
14321 |
genus res representationis
type interface entity
12623 |
presentatio generis unitatis
unity type interface
12658 |
genus unspecificus
undefined type
12739 |
genus simplex
single type
12740 |
genus par
type pair
12742 |
genus unitatis par classis
unit type pair set
12741 |
genus unitatis classis
unit type set
14371 |
genus classis mixti
type mixed set
12648 |
genus referens
type reference
12650 |
genus del
type deleted
12652 |
genus lex
type lexical
12719 |
genus taxonomia
type taxonomy
12654 |
genus wait
type wait
12720 |
genus album nomini
type vocabulary
12656 |
genus dup
type duplicate
12721 |
genus int
type interface
1830 items
1900 entities
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
6008 |
In monkeys, the Intraparietal sulcus contains numerous intraparietal areas (AIP, LIP, MIP, PIP and VIP), area PEip and area V6A (Rizzolatti G, Luppino G, Matelli M 1998 The organization of the cortical motor system: New concepts. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 106:283-296). In the human brain, at least AIP and VIP areas have been identified (Seitz RJ, Binkofski F 2003 Modular organization of parietal lobe functions as revealed by functional activation studies. Adv Neurol 93:281-292).
6053 |
Lateral to the Sulcus olfactorius, there are two longitudinally directed sulci, the Sulcus orbitalis medialis and the Sulcus orbitalis lateralis, which are joined together by the Sulcus orbitalis transversus to form the impression of an H or a K pattern (Duvernoy 1992; Petrides and Pandya 2012). The cingulate sulcus continues around the rostrum of the corpus callosum, where it is also known as the Sulcus rostralis superior. This sulcus may continue as the Sulcus rostralis inferior, which separates the straight gyrus from the medial surface of the frontal lobe.
8659 |
The Sulcus frontomarginalis (Frontomarginal sulcus of Wernicke) is an important landmark in the frontal polar region (Duvernoy HM 1992 Le cerveau humain. Springer, Paris; Tamraz JC, Comair YG 2006 Atlas of Regional Anatomy of the Brain Using MRI. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York), and used as such in the DTI literature (Catani M, Thiebaut de Schotten M 2012 Atlas of Human Brain Connections. Oxford University Press, Oxford).
8667 |
See note # 8666
8668 |
See note # 8666
8679 |
See note # 6053
8680 |
See note # 6053
8681 |
See note # 6053
8735 |
See note # 6071
8756 |
The Sulcus intrarhinalis (Intrarhinal sulcus) is found between the Ambient gyrus and the Entorhinal cortex (see Duvernoy 1992; Insausti and Amaral 2012).
8780 |
See note # 5996
8781 |
The Sulcus intermedius primus (First intermediate sulcus of Jensen) may subdivide the Lobulus parietalis inferior into the Gyrus supramarginalis and the Gyrus angularis (Duvernoy 1992; Tamraz and Comair 2006). The Sulcus intermedius secundus (Second intermediate sulcus of Eberstaller) is found posterior to Jensen's sulcus.
8782 |
See note # 8781
9122 |
The Lobulus parietalis superior may be divided into an anterior and a posterior portion by the Sulcus parietalis transversus (Transverse parietal sulcus of Brissaud), originating on the medial side and extending to the lateral side of the hemisphere (see Tamraz and Comair 2006).
13531 |
The Cisternae subarachnoideae (Subarachnoid cisterns) can be divided into an Infratentorial and a Supratentorial group; the Basal cisterns are usually called together the Cisterna basalis (see Yasargil MG 1984 Microneurosurgery. Thieme, Stuttgart) with Rostral and Caudal basal cisterns (see Lang J 1979 Kopf B: Gehirn- und Augenschädel, and 1985 Kopf A: Übergeordnete Systeme. In: von Lanz and Wachsmuth Praktische Anatomie. Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York). The Cisternae infratentoriae (Infratentorial cisterns) and Cisternae supratentoriae (Supratentorial cisterns) can be subdivided into unpaired basal and dorsal cisterns, and paired lateral cisterns. They are arranged here from Caudal to Rostral.
Date: 22.07.2024 |